Say what? 70 degrees on March 6th huh? Super windy, blowing the baby all over the place, into monkey bars and dirt holes. A trip to Margate Park to watch the other kids go bonkers about being outdoors. The best part is the metal butterflies way up high…Leap frog?
“Who’s bending down to give me a rainbow?
Everyone knows it’s Windy”
Here’s the place she learned a new word: “Wheeeee!”
I really love this shadow one. Love it.
The Wind Blown Frazzled Hair Sisters.
The entire lakefront was named Lincoln Park, for miles and miles. In reality… it’s Margate Park.
Walking to the recycling center and then for tacos at Rokito’s, squinting into the terrible wind that almost blew us over.
When she insisted on walking by herself, I had to hold the hood of her sweater or she would blow over. And she kept swatting my hand away to leave her alone. Sorry Charlie!