Category Archives: Cletus the Fetus


Cletus or Brandine? Names we have picked or are considering: Girl: Lucille “Lucy” Mae after Grandma Lucy R.View full post »

35 weeks

At St. Francis Hospital in Evanston. Going to meet and interview Dr. Ettner for the first time to see if we want him toView full post »

34 weeks

With Muppet, Pete, and Archie at the Jim Henson Exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry.View full post »

Chicago Baby Shower

This is our Chicago baby shower, held at Cafe Ba Ba Reeba in Lincoln Park, hosted by Pete’s sister Jennifer.  AllView full post »

Books I have read while planning for Cletus

Penny Armstrong: A Wise Birth The midwife : a memoir of birth, joy, and hard times /Jennifer Worth ; clinicalView full post »

29 weeks

Bike ride with Pete on Labor Day weekend. Starting to get uncomfortable on the bike at 7  months pregnant! And yes, IView full post »