We went and saw Pete race at the final cyclocross race of the season, always at Montrose park/ Cricket Hill.  Usually it is bitter cold and a blizzard, and this was the first year it was plausible to go stand outside for more than an hour. I walked Lucy over in the stroller and we watched from the sidelines. Every guy that went by, she said, “da-da” – because they all kind of look the same with helmets on!   The course was brutal, mud-slicked hills and sand pits, crash after crash.

Always a lot of nice design for the posters.

Lucy on the podium.  At first I had put her on the 2nd place stand, because it was lower and she couldn’t fall off. But the crowd nearby cheered “First place! First place!” so I moved her to the red one – 1st place!  She ate up all the attention of the crowd of athletes lining up, waiting to start, talking to her, and asking, “Where are her thumbs?”!

With dad after the race.  Thrilled to the gills.


Daily Nov.

This is what we call a phone dump.  The photos are worth a damn, but they also capture the every day life, so they are kind of important.  I also need to determine which cell phone makes the very best photos.  I am thinking none of them.

A display window with a turkey and his veggie friends eating a hunter.

The elevator at the grocery store has mirrored ceilings.  I can see this turning into a ritual…

All the kids in our neighborhood wear uniforms to school.  So morning and afternoon, we see tons of kids like this, walking to and from school.

At the park.

You can see the little tooth in this one.

Big girl in a big cart.

All bundled up for a cold walk.

Stopping for a break to sit in a corner while on a walk. This kid loves to back herself into a corner.  Hmmm.

At Fat Cat for brunch, with the Bloody Mary cart behind her.  As soon as we let her loose, she made a beeline for that.


Cute as a Butter Burger

When we drive up to Michigan, we always stop at a Culver’s at the halfway point.  I had never been to one of these, but we stumbled upon one that happened to have an enormous green lawn, with huge oak trees and picnic tables. Who would have thought?  Major advantage over the other fast food joints.  It appears people will line up around the block for these “butter burgers” – whatever that even means.  Anyway, it’s perfect for us to let Lucy run around and get her spazz out, eat a couple of “pomme frites” and be on our way.  Culver’s went from stranger to tradition in three visits.  The food is still garbage, but like I said about the green lawn… priceless.  Lucy explores the front seat after being too excited to eat…I asked Pete if he special-ordered our table number.  He said, um, no.The first two visits, I lamented out loud, “I wish they had those disposable plastic bibs.  Remember, like when we were kids?  At Burger King or Red Lobster?”  Duh.  There they were, all along.Later, at Plumb’s Grocery…the coveted helium balloons.  The Golden Ark of 1-year-olds’ birthday presents.  Bonus:  Big Bird.Pete was a little nervous with this face staring into his rearview mirror.I had said I wanted to videotape Lucy receiving the balloons, to see the look on her face.  So we hid them in a back room, but then Pete brought them out to her.  “WAIT! WAIT! NO!”  I missed it.  He had to put them back, tears ensued, and we had a do-over later and I caught that on video.  We also had a candle lighting and singing do-over, also due to no video capture.  Luckily it was all bonus to Lucy: more singing and staring at her.  We might have an actress on our hands, or a public speaker, or…


The Big 1

Lucy’s First birthday was celebrated in Montague, during a long Thanksgiving weekend visit.  Grammy and Grampy were there, as well as aunts, uncles and cousins.  We had a vanilla cake and vanilla ice cream, and the gift from mom and dad was a bouquet of balloons, a total hit.  She adored all of the attention from a room full of people singing to her.  She loved playing with the dogs, Rosie and King, and the cousins.  Dad got out for a bike ride with Grampy, and we visited Aunt Jennifer’s restaurant, The Villa.  Lucy got to sit at the bar and play pretend and charm the customers.  A very good birthday surrounded by family and love!



This is the most creative thing I have done in the last year.  No idea what possessed me to take on a task like this, but at some point I thought it would be a good idea to create an infographic of Lucy’s first year.  Not a new idea by any means, but I had only ever worked on Annual Reports in a corporate context, so I just needed to translate that experience into documenting a little people.  I have a calendar where I keep track of  milestones and things, because otherwise my soggy brain vaporizes events instantly and they are gone forever. I pretty much scribble in the white square every time she burps or farts, only because I have visions of ending up in the E.R. one day and having doctors shout questions at me, like Has she eaten anything strange in the last 24 hours, or When was the last time she burped and farted?  I must watch too many crime dramas because I always think that any minute now, a person in authority is going to demand that I account for my time.  So I log my time.

It’s possible this child will develop reflexes like a cat (hmmm. and like me).  If that happens, we won’t have any E.R. visits, but if not…I find myself preparing for the occasion.  Like last weekend, when she discovered the top of a stairwell, walked right up to the edge and extended her foot.  Like a bigger person does.  And she just leaned forward and stepped into nothing.  Somehow, I knew to be right there and grabbed her by the arm mid-air as she nearly tumbled down and procured a broken bone and a concussion for her 1st birthday. As usual, her mind is far beyond what her body is capable of.

So, back to the annual report.   I will be honest, I am SO proud of this project.  Not because it is brilliant design, because we all know it’s… rudimentary.  And let’s be frank, it isn’t even really finished.  Time finished it.  But the fact that I accomplished anything creative at all…ahhh. I reach up and give myself a nice good scratch on the back.  I also kept a baby alive for a year.  So I’m like a plate spinner.  Except with swords.  That are on fire.  And this little project  really cured what ailed me.  I needed something super-tangible, with a beginning, middle, and end.  That I could hold in my hand or hang on my wall, and refer to later.  Because while Lucy is my little human project, she is a work in progress for the next 17 years.  And then whatever she turns out to be, she gets to claim for herself! With this annual report, the positive elements far outweigh the mistakes, and it fills me with joy.  Hmm.  Come to think of it: precisely how I hope my daughter turns out!