Did I miss a Monthly Portrait for the first time? Yes, I did. The whole family was sick in bed together on the 27th. No photos were taken. Then the next day, I forgot, and the next day I remembered right at bedtime and had to use the flash. If I was more anal-retentive, this would be unacceptable in terms of style consistency. Thank goodness I am too tired to be concerned about it. So here we go: two days late, and after a hot, calming bath, the curls come out and the ducky robe is in full effect. Someone is in need of mom, snuggles, and b00bz. One moment she is focused on a calculator and the next she is climbing me like a tree. I don’t know if the color was thrown off for some reason, but her eyes look more greenish grey. I wonder if they are changing? Normally they are a striking blue. I’ll have to look closer in the daylight. Happy 13 months, little bug. That’s one year and one month. Big girl. Sorry we didn’t “celebrate” on the proper day, but we did spend the whole day with snuggles in bed with mom and dad and Charlie. It was nice.
A Christmas recap, done way after the fact because the holiday turned into barf fest reminiscent of the pie eating contest in Stand by Me. But before the Illness… there was some Krismiss. Here is the tree the night before, with prezzies on display from Santa:
The morning of Christmas Eve, before heading to Grammy’s house, we opened Santa’s spoils. Lucy and I got matching luggage to assist in our many travels, and Lucy got a big fat beanbag to cuddle in. I got Pete a pair of Chrome cycling pants. And that’s about it. We try to keep the gifts to about one apiece. See how tired we look? Like we haven’t slept in a year? That’s how we look every morning. Before we smooth the area around our eyes with plaster and a putty knife, and before our first espresso.Many new ornaments made an appearance this year, thank goodness, since last year I think we had about three. This was made by Kristin, and reads “Lucy’s 1st Christmas”, which she later realized is actually a year LATE because this is her second Christmas. Haha, pretty funny.
This was my contribution in Lucy’s name, in honor of her bedtime buddy Charlie, the Seahorse. This seahorse represents an important part of our year, Lucy going into a crib on her own accord!
This is the ornament I got for Pete. An acorn… because he’s nuts! Or we’re nuts! I dunno, I just was really drawn to it at that little posh boutique in Whitehall and I had to have the acorn. Was either this or a raccoon, which would have been cool too.
Lucy opening her baby doll, a generous gift that arrived in the mail from my old co-worker Pat. So thoughtful.
Fun with white Christmas lights the night before.
More specifics about the puke fest and Christmas Day at Grammy’s later…
Our favorite person came for her once-yearly visit! And brought her special man, who happens to be the first man she has every brought home for us to meet. Too bad she also brought some kind of virus: ebola? rotavirus? And she was very ill the whole time, and also contagious (which we didn’t know) and that’s what started the domino effect of 10+ people getting sick. Oy vey!
Prior to the Barf-fest, I took Ang and Sam downtown to the Kristkindle Market at Daley Plaza. Drizzling and cold and the baby not happy, but lots of cool German stuff to look at. We had hot ciders and Nurnbergers and other snacks. Then we stopped by Pete’s office for the view, and of course my luck: low clouds. No view, couldn’t even see the Sears (Willis) Tower two blocks away. Bummer.
Then we had Friendmas 2011, with Eric, Kris, Shaun, Meeka, Ang and Sam over to our house. Eric made pepperkaker and I made Glögg as well as vodka infused with steel-cut oats and raw honey. Yumz. Many gifts were exchanged, and Lucy received some excellent retro thrift store finds, including a Fisher Price Little People Hospital and a CPK porcelain doll! I had never even heard of a porcelain CPK, but there she was, looking like George Washington! And I regifted-back the gym shoes that Meeka naughtily left up in Michigan. Good times.
We Skyped with Casey (first time Skyping!) and it was awesome, just like a real family reunion. He unwrapped our Christmas gift, meaning his gift to Pete and I, and it was this darling retro bike poster.
This is the little Santa dress from the Original Peanut, aka Reese. Super cute, but spoiler alert: it later gets vomited on and subsequently ruined in the washing machine.
The next day I took Ang and Sam out to Montrose Beach and the pier to see the city skyline and take some photos. Really nice overcast day made for a cool, serene backdrop.
See you next year lady! Or sooner if you silly fools decide to get married;-)
These striped pajamas just charm me. Thrift store find, a great one. Doing her daily thing, dragging along her new Husky, a birthday present from Aunt Juju.
Watching Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Jar”, and the woman who is portraying a low class, white trash, illiterate woman named Thedy, actually looks exactly like today’s hot chicks and club girls.