Excellent Mother’s Day! Spent with my favorite people, doing my favorite things. Family bike ride! We went up the North Shore Channel to Skokie for a total of 19 miles. Lucy enjoyed it and didn’t complain. We stopped at the halfway point at a park and found a robin’s nest and some broken blue eggs. Lucy slept on the way home. Then Fat Cat for dinner, with photobooth picture of Lucy! Gifts from my TwoBoos include a super comfy new hoodie (in photo) and an orchid and cards. Truth be told, the best gift was that this weekend we got our FIRST dining table, meaning our first family dinner at home! We have never had a dining table and only eat at the bar or on the couch, with Lucy in a high chair nearby. But we decided we need to have family dinners at a table, teach Lucy table manners, and do the good old “How was your day?” and talk to each other. What a concept! Pictures to come. Lucy loves the dining table and will sit there for an hour as long as she is with us!
First family bike ride of 2012. We rode over to Montrose Beach for dinner, and Lucy inspected the boardwalk and the parked sand plow. It was also the first time that she wore her helmet without complaint, and it also finally fits. She sees mom and dad with a helmet, so she will wear hers, even though I know she doesn’t like things on her head. We tucked her into the Chariot all snug with her babies, her bucket and her purse full of snacks. This was a dry run for our big Mother’s Day bike ride, fingers crossed that we have good weather and no meltdowns or teething!
Lucy covered in dirt, after making piles of dirt at the playground and throwing dirt into the wind for an hour. And then, of course, rubbing her eyes. This is just what I “asked” for – just didn’t expect to see it so soon!
Who doesn’t love a good cup of espresso in the morning? She’s no dummy.
Always generous in sharing with the other babies. Even if it’s an ugly baby.
Kind of the same squinty expression as the baby doll.
Peeking at Elmo.
We got a little detail added to our bikes: names of our favorite people. I chose Lucy, and Pete chose his dad. Hand painted by Bruce Cueno, most talented pinstriper and hand painting sign maker. We wavered back and forth between the much cheaper option of getting sticker decals made, or the hand lettering, and of course this choice just blows the former out of the water. It’s so beautiful and extra fun to watch it done. I couldn’t be more pleased with the look of the paint, and even more so with the shape of the letters. He even filled in the details on my lugs to make them pop.
I’m hoping that someday, when she is tall enough, this will be Lucy’s bike. I’m hoping she will want it, and maybe it will even become a family heirloom.
Or maybe even THIS bike will be Lucy’s? The beloved baby blue Steelman. Hmmm, less likely. She has already claimed it though, when she reached up and touched the wet paint and left her fingerprints right in the “M”.
These bikes will be making their 2012 maiden voyage this weekend, on Mother’s Day. Hopefully Lucy decides that she enjoys the bike trailer, because we have a lot of plans for riding this summer! No more excuses, she is big enough for her helmet now!