Pete missed us so much he decided to take Friday off of work, to hang out with us. First we went on a Family Bike Ride to Hollywood Mirror to get retro accessories for our Halloween costume. They were super packed with shoppers but I got photos of their always-awesome window displays. I took them with the fisheye camera so those will come later. We had planned on lunch at Chicago Diner (Chai Tea milkshake!) but Lucy was extra crabby with her tooth coming in and really needed a nap so we headed home and had a Family Nap. Then we went for a walk and had a snack at Rokito’s and on to the wig shop! Lucy cried when she saw me in my wig, and Pete said I look like my mom!
Having sushi at Agami – avocado maki with soy paper! She just chows these down.
Walking home with a shoulder ride. On the very far right you can see a red and green light in the street. It was a girl approaching on a bike dressed in a Tron costume with red lights all over her bike! Wish I had been fast enough to catch her.Stopped at Walgreen’s on the way home, to get some costume makeup and candy. Lucy liked this clown…
I was grossed out by this gummy finger in an ice cream sundae…
Lucy holding onto dad’s makeup…