Bell & Howell

We just spent four days visiting grammy, grampy, aunt JuJu, uncle Mike, Jen, and cousin Panda.  On a whim I decided to pull out the old slide projector to see if it works, even though it never worked well in the past. I got it working  well enough (even though it “sticks” on each slide) and announced to the fam that it was home movie night! We have two Bell & Howell cube slide projectors, and even a nice silver projection screen. We had cubes from 1964-1986, so that covered  pretty much everything important that has ever happened in our young lives. It was quite a trip down memory lane, especially seeing pictures from before I was born, that I had never seen before. My brother and sister:

My grandparents opening Christmas gifts in the late 1960s:

And then halfway through the slide show, Lucy decides that maybe she isn’t getting enough attention and maybe we are all laughing heartily, but it looks like everyone is laughing at that screen up there…so she stood up in front of everyone and ripped her diaper off.  And pranced around naked.  And I think she even bent over and mooned a few of us.  We let her run around like that for awhile, and she threw herself onto the sleeping bag over and over and had a grand old time being completely f-r-e-e.  How liberating.  Too bad we don’t all look so cute naked.  I had to raise the lights to grab a photo.  Here I gave this the 1970s vintage treatment, to keep with the theme of the night.


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