Monthly Archives: November 2011

Cute as a Butter Burger

When we drive up to Michigan, we always stop at a Culver’s at the halfway point.  I had never been to one ofView full post »

The Big 1

Lucy’s First birthday was celebrated in Montague, during a long Thanksgiving weekend visit.  Grammy and GrampyView full post »


This is the most creative thing I have done in the last year.  No idea what possessed me to take on a task like this,View full post »

This Little Light O’ Mine

I mean honestly…what an edible, chewable, nibbly little face and cheeks. Nom. Happy 1st Birthday Little CookieFaceView full post »

Leafy Dreams

I’ve kind of been punishing myself, not allowing myself to write at my blog until I make major progress on myView full post »

Girl or baby

Her hair is getting so long it hangs in her eyes now. Today I put it back in a barrette, and it formed into a perfectView full post »


I had big plans for photos on 11-11-11.  Plans for 11:11am and pm.  Ideas. Documentation.  The a.m. came and went,View full post »

Milk Duds

This photo here is of wooly inserts that snap into a pair of Crocs. I believe the wooly model is called “Mammoths”.View full post »

Decline in 2 seconds

Just up from a nap and the bed head hair is a combination of Robert Smith, Andy Warhol and Conan O’Brien.View full post »

Open Books

My go-to used bookstore.  This is where I perused the whole time I was pregnant, scouring the shelves for the many,View full post »